COMSATS University have crossed

COMSATS University have crossed 

While talking about the exploration exercises he educated that in 2016 very nearly 1500 examination distributions with Impact Factor have been contributed by our employees. He further said that this year specialists at COMSATS University have crossed the quantity of 2000 examination distribution with Impact Factor. 

Grounds Director Professor Dr. Arshad Parvaiz communicated his total fulfillment over the fantastic execution of the college in the scholarly just as exploration fields. He expressed that COMSATS University, Abbottabad has accomplished incredible advancement in the previous twenty years and has shown extraordinary advancement in the fields of instruction and applied examination. 

He said that various Scholarships are given to destitute understudies to their smooth scholastic administration. Arshad Pervez recognized the way that COMSATS University, Abbottabad family has consistently stayed on the bleeding edges in the hours of public calamities like Earthquakes and floods.


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